
Alcohol and Drugs: Not on This Campus

No Alcohol and Drugs

Promoting a drug and 酒精-free environment is everyone’s responsibility. WCC支持并致力于为所有员工和学生维护这样的环境.

The WCC campus has been designated “drug free.根据1988年《澳门金沙棋牌游戏》(公法101-690), it is the policy of this college that the unlawful manufacture, 分布, 豁免, 占有, or use of a controlled substance or 酒精 is prohibited while in the workplace, on college premises, or as part of any college-sponsored 活动. 任何违反此政策的员工或学生将受到纪律处分,请参阅学生手册和/或学院程序手册程序02-0303和02-0802, up to and including termination or expulsion and referral for prosecution.

The specifics of this policy are as follows:

1. “受控物质”是指第21部分1308和其他联邦法规中列出的任何药物, as well as those listed in Article V, Chapter 90 of North Carolina General Statutes. Generally, these are drugs, which have a high potential for abuse. 这些毒品包括但不限于海洛因、大麻、可卡因、PCP和“快克”.” They also include “legal drugs” which are not prescribed by a licensed physician. The term 酒精ic beverage includes beer, 酒, 威士忌和北卡罗莱纳州法规第18B章所列的任何其他饮料. 管制药物法律由校园警察和保安人员严格执行.

2. Wayne Community College does not differentiate between unlawful users, 抄写员, or sellers of drugs or 酒精. Any student who possesses, 使用, 销售, 给了, 或以任何方式将受管制物品或酒精饮料转让给他人, 或在学校内或作为任何学校赞助的一部分制造受管制物质, 是否会根据学生行为准则受到纪律处分,包括开除和转介起诉, fines and imprisonment. 另外, 学院可能要求学生成功完成由批准的私人或政府机构赞助的药物滥用计划,作为继续在学院注册的先决条件.

3. 违反酒精/物质政策法律的组织或团体也可能受到学院的制裁.

4. 每个学生都必须在他或她被判违反任何联邦法律后五天内以书面形式通知学院, 状态, 或当地毒品或酒精饮料犯罪控制法规,如果此类违规行为发生在大学校园或作为任何大学赞助活动的一部分. 定罪是指在任何联邦或州法院,法官或陪审团认定有罪(包括无抗辩请求)或判决.

5. Convictions of employees working under federal grants, for violating drug laws in the workplace, on college premises, or as part of any college sponsored activity, shall be reported to the appropriate federal agency. The Office of Human Resources must notify the U.S. government agency with which the grant was made, 在收到员工通知或以其他方式收到工作场所发生的违反毒品刑事法规的实际通知后10天内. 学院应在收到通知后的30个日历日内采取适当的纪律处分. As a condition of further employment on any federal government grant, the law requires all employees to abide by this policy. 这将包括任何勤工俭学或在联邦资助下兼职的学生.

The College Procedure Manual for employees CPM 02-0303 状态s:
Wayne Community College prohibits controlled substances from college classrooms, 活动, 功能, and events on or off the school grounds. The college specifically prohibits using, 拥有, 传输, or being under the influence of any narcotic or hallucinogenic drug, 酒精, 安非他命, 巴比妥酸盐, 大麻, or other intoxicant. 使用由注册医生开具的医疗处方授权的药物不应被视为违反本政策.

Drug abuse and use at the workplace are subjects of immediate concern in our society. These problems are extremely complex and ones for which there are no easy solutions. From a safety perspective, the users of drugs may impair the well-being of all employees, 广大公众, and result in damage to college property. 因此, it is a policy of this college that the unlawful manufacture, 分布, 占有 or use of a controlled substance in the college’s workplace is prohibited. 任何违反本政策的员工都将受到纪律处分,直至解雇. The specifics of this policy are as follows:

1. 澳门金沙棋牌游戏不区分吸毒者、毒贩或卖家. 任何向他人提供或以任何方式转让受管制物质或出售受管制物质的员工, 生产, 或在工作或学校场所使用受控物质将受到纪律处分,包括解雇.

2. The term “controlled substance” means any drug listed in 21 U.S.C. Sub-section 812 and other federal regulations. Generally, these are drugs that have a high potential for abuse. 这些毒品包括但不限于海洛因、大麻、可卡因、PCP和“快克”.” They also include “legal drugs” which are not prescribed by a licensed physician.

3. 法律要求每位员工在被判违反任何联邦或州刑事毒品法规后五天内通知学院,如果这种违法行为发生在学院的场所. 定罪是指在任何联邦或州法院,法官或陪审团认定有罪(包括无抗辩请求)或判决.

4. For anyone employed on any federal government grant, the personnel office at Wayne Community College must notify the U.S. 在收到该雇员的通知或以其他方式收到有关该定罪的实际通知后的十天内,向该政府机构作出拨款.

5. 如果员工在工作场所被判违反任何刑事毒品法规, he or she will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. 另外, 学院可能要求雇员成功完成由批准的私人或政府机构赞助的药物滥用计划,作为继续就业的先决条件.

6. As a condition of further employment on any federal government grant, the law requires all employees to abide by this policy.

注:澳门金沙棋牌游戏(Wayne Community College)的房产包括一所托儿中心和一所中学. North Carolina General Statute 90-95(e)(8) classifies the manufacture, 出售或交付, or 占有 with intent to manufacture, 出售或交付, a controlled substance on property used for a child care center, or secondary school or within 1,000 feet of the boundary of real property used for a child care center, or secondary school as a Class E felony.

Substance Abuse Education

WCC的咨询服务办公室提供无毒学校计划的整体协调. However, some services are the responsibility of other areas of the institution.

Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention Education: Human Resources Director, Student Activities and Basic Skills Director
Counseling Services: Counseling Services Department
Referral Services: Counseling Services Department
Committee, and Continuing Education and Basic Skills Disciplinary Review Committee.

该方案提供与药物使用和滥用有关的服务,包括传播信息材料, educational programs, counseling services, referrals and college disciplinary actions.

Drug Counseling and Rehabilitation

如果任何人因任何与使用/滥用药物或酒精有关的原因需要帮助, WCC的一名咨询人员将作为引荐来源,在戈德斯伯勒和韦恩县提供以下服务:
Narcotics Anonymous 1-866-321-1631
Estpointe 1-800-913-6109
Alcoholics Anonymous 919-735-4221

Tobacco-free Campus

吸烟和使用任何烟草制品或任何含有或合理类似烟草或烟草制品的物品, 包括所有形式的电子烟或其他“无烟”设备都被禁止进入WCC校园. This encompasses all buildings, 车辆, 人行道, 校园的理由, parking lots and instructional areas, including instructional areas of off-campus college programs and courses.
